It provides manual toggles for screen white balance, brightness, etc. Operating System:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8. CareUEyes has a user-friendly interface and practical features. CareUEyes builds a bit on the above-mentioned apps. This app is probably one of the best brightness and screen dimmer apps that you can prefer to. CareUEyes Screen Drimer The very first screen dimmer app we have on the list is CareUEyes Screen dimmer. This application can ensure that you dont forget to rest every now and again, by displaying desktop notifications for a specified amount of time. 1 Best Screen Dimmer for Windows 111.1 CareUEyes Screen Drimer1.2 Dimmer1.3 iBrightness Tray1.4 ClickMonitorDDC1.5 Desktop Lighter2 Final Words. CareUEyes Dima Ivanov 59 subscribers Subscribe 11 Share 4.5K views 4 years ago CareUEyes Eye protection software. Break reminder CareUEyes provides rest notifications to keep you from working for too long at a time It is very important to take regular breaks, and its not just your eyes that benefit from them. Screen dimmer CareUEyes control the brightness of the computer screen, when you work in a light or darker environment it can help you, It can dim all screens and monitors LCD, TFT and LED backlit types, screen dimmer will not damage your screen or monitor in any way. CareUEyes - Eye protection software, blue light filter for pc, screen dimmer, break reminder Try CareUEyes Lite What's new: CareUEyes changes and bug fixes version Celebrate Chinese New Year 2023, i wish you all a happy new year. After import navigate to the Settings > Environment subsection. Click on 'New Project', select 'GitHub', look up this repo in the list and click 'Add'.
CareUEyes Pro Multilingual + Portable | 14.5/11.7 Mb CareUEyes can automatically filter the blue light and make the screen look warmer and comfortable to the eyes, so that your eyes do not feel tired, and this application comes with several presets that adjust both color temperature and brightness such as normal, smart, office, game and night. Create a new Environment Variable named GITHUBTOKEN.