Castle defense upgraded acces code
Castle defense upgraded acces code

You may research 3 spells from the Offensive Academy, 4 spells from the Passive Academy, and 3 spells from the Defensive Academy. There are 3 different academies available and you can have spells from each one. Every hero will have Blink and Mirror Image by default, but you can build an academy to purchase other spells for your hero. Hero spells are customizable, outside of their ultimates. You may only have 1 hero, so pick wisely (or if you don't care about what hero you get, you can train a random hero, which trains faster than picking your hero).

#Castle defense upgraded acces code upgrade#

In order to research magic sentry, you will need a town hall, upgraded to a keep, and a lumber mill, where the research upgrade can be found.

castle defense upgraded acces code

In the early game, it is recommended to stay on the fast track to getting magic sentry researched and a hero trained by 20 minutes, when strong invisible enemies start spawning.

castle defense upgraded acces code

It is recommended to have as few exits as possible, although with bigger bases with more mill spots, few exits aren't normally an option. In order to re-route enemies to your main exit, you will need some sort of ranged damage source behind your walls, such as a tower or an archer. If you block off all exits, enemies will start indiscriminately targeting your walls, and your base is likely to fall very quickly. To establish a base, you should start by building mills in the fence squares to generate income, and then blocking off all exits with wall pillars, but leaving space in 1 exit for enemies to route to. This command will ping most bases on the map, color coded by difficulty (green = easy, yellow = medium, red = hard). There is a command (-base) that players can use to find bases in the first 5 minutes.

castle defense upgraded acces code

If your peasant dies, you are out of the game until someone revives you by collecting your flag that your peasant drops and dropping it on their town hall. At the beginning of the game, each player is given a peasant, 2 knights, and 3 archers.

Castle defense upgraded acces code